13 February, 2025
08:38:25 PM
Past Projects

Total Sanitation Campaign


 Location: Jhalda-I & II  Blocks in Purulia districts of west Bengal           

Coverage:137743 People in143   villages                                                

 Financial involvement:66,00,000.00(Approx)  

Sanitation, Health, and environment are three important components of the Indian Development Scenario in general and Puruliadistrict ofW.B. in particular. Purulia district fares poorly in comparison to its counterparts in the state. People are unaware of proper sanitation, health, and hygiene. They are still guided by superstitions and age-old beliefs. So, sanitation is an important factor for fastening health among people as well as sustaining the environment. Lack of sanitation in rural society is primarily responsible for disease, death, morbidity, and malnutrition of children, women and others in society.              With a view to making the rural people aware in respect of sanitation, health and hygiene and for proper implementation of sanitation program in rural areas, a sanitary Mart has been set up at Jargo with the financial assistance from UNICEF, Govt. of West Bengal under the supervision of Purulia Zilla Parishad. The main objective of the program is to install low-cost latrine to individual households and in the Primary Schools and to build up hygienic behaviors by creating awareness and behavioral change communications amongst the targeted population. Morethan 3000 nos. House Hold Latrines have so far been constructed since the inception of the program. Apart from that 50 nos.Toilet block in Schools, 12nos. In ICDS centers and 27nos. Forced lift HandPump including installation of overhead tank and Wash Basin block have also been constructed during the project period.

Purulia District Agragami Mahila O Sisu Mangal Samiti
Working for Social Changes

Purulia District Agragami Mahila O Sisu Mangal Samiti, Jhalda, Baghmundi Road, Jargo – 723212. Purulia – District, West Bengal.
Phone No: Phone : +91 9933090870,
Email: pdamsms@rediffmail.com | puruliaagragami@gmail.com