13 February, 2025
09:50:24 PM
Past Projects

Reproductive & Child Health Program . Phase-II

  • Agragami's innovative RCH program sponsored by Health & Family Welfare Dep’t under NGO-FNGO scheme is trying to address the needs of underserved and unserved populations who live far away and do not have access to reproductive health care services. The programme’s main goal is to reduce Infant   Mortality Rate, increase complete ANC & Institutional delivery, promoting the use of contraceptives methods for eligible couples, education for adolescents on family life and reproductive health, prevention and treatment of RTIs.

    The project was conducted by Agragami in two phases followed by its activities like Outreach camp, AwarenessGeneration and Behavior Change Communication amongst the targeted population:-

    From: 2002-2005

    Location: 3 nos GP of Jhalda-I Block in Purulia districts of West Bengal

    Coverage: 38 villages

    Financial involvement: 5,20,000.00

    The program was conducted with the support ofWBVHA, Kolkata  &

    From: 2006-2012 with support of MNGO, Kalyan, Purulia

    Location: 3 nos Sub centres of Jhalda-II Block in Purulia districts of West Bengal

    Coverage: 21685 People in 42 villages

    Financial involvement: 15,00,000.00 

Purulia District Agragami Mahila O Sisu Mangal Samiti
Working for Social Changes

Purulia District Agragami Mahila O Sisu Mangal Samiti, Jhalda, Baghmundi Road, Jargo – 723212. Purulia – District, West Bengal.
Phone No: Phone : +91 9933090870,
Email: pdamsms@rediffmail.com | puruliaagragami@gmail.com